Structural Integration Rolfing

Structural Integration Rolfing is an efficient method and mixture of techniques to give a boost to the quality of life of patients relieving pain, anxiety, and depression. It is a manual therapy that improves human bio-mechanical functioning as a whole instead of treating only particular symptoms. Structural Integration Rolfing in Vancouver Canada improves bio-mechanical functioning as a whole progressively making body postures and movement better.


Structural Integration Rolfing is a muscle manipulating technique developed by Ida Pauline Rolf, PhD. (1896–1979). The literature on the primary development of Structural Integration Rolfing is limited. It is clear Osteopathy, HATHA yoga, movement awareness therapies, and various closely related postural training has influenced the thinking of Rolf.


More than 40 percent of adults of Canada suffer from various temporary and chronic pain conditions. If you are one of those you can feel how devastating is the experience to live with such severe and daily pain.


We all are different from each other different things work for different bodies and conditions. Some pains can be treated by taking prescription drugs but there are other methods of managing chronic pain. Structural Integration Rolfing is an efficient and effective technique but who experience and live with daily pain may behave not explored yet.


Structural Integration Rolfing is increasingly gaining popularity in the world of the health community. This therapy is helping people to get relief from chronic pain and the method and results of this therapy are different from just getting a deep tissue massage. It is a systematic method of manipulating body muscles and facial systems to balance back the structure, movement, and posture of the body.


Structural Integration Rolfing in Vancouver Canada might seem the same as the deep tissue massage but the practitioners will massage the entire body rather than the muscles and region of pain. Our goal is to create structural and movement improvement in our clients.