Rolfing Fascia

Sometimes human body got injuries that won’t let you shake and move freely. You do and stretching all the right things but still limping. You follow the referrals of your loved ones. Physical therapies, massage therapies and Swedish therapy but nothing help. You diagnose your body that could not recover but the answer to this hopeless pain is under your skin. Rolfing Fascia in Vancouver Canada changes and resolves the tensions patterns in the fascia system, promotes movement patterns and improves body postures.


The human body is encased under the web-like structure, fascia. Fascia is made up of dense collagen fiber that holds the whole human body together. It is an elastic type of thin but tough layer of connective tissues that found between the muscles. It is a web-like system with sheets, chords, and bags that divides and spread throughout the muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels and organs of the body. The human body is connected by fascia, protected by fascia and keeps the body in shape and holds the posture.


Fascia is incredibly important for your well-being body and life concept. A healthy fascia improves body alignment and keeps the body in perfect symmetry. It improves blood circulation in the body which means faster recovery from injuries and relieves from pain. It promotes body movement to reduce the risk of muscle injuries and less day to day pain patterns.


An unhealthy lifestyle, bad eating habits, poor posture, sleeping habits, stress and overuse of muscle or injury are reasons that cause unhealthy fascia. Fascia treatments take time but they give you instant relief. It doesn’t mean that fascia will turn healthy in one session. It’s a slow process it takes time but the results are worthy.


A therapist can help you with the technique, Rolfing Fascia in Vancouver Canada. Through this constricted fascia is loosened and lengthen by sustained pressure. Bodywork is important to keep connective tissues mobile and hydrated. Rolfing changes the tension patterns and has a positive influence on the body.