Connective Tissue Services

A connective tissue service is not like an ordinary massage. The therapy is accomplished by introducing mechanical pressure to layers of fascia to release muscle tensions and help relieve the body from chronic pain. It is a manipulative technique that deals with superficial and deep connective tissues and facilitates and treats a wide range of pathologies.


What is connective tissue?


Connective tissue is a system in the human body that consists of layers that provide support and fill the gaps between the organs, muscles, and joints. The human body has continuous layers of connective tissues and these layer provide structural support to the skeleton.


Injury, illness, mental trauma, and other stress can affect the connective tissue and create an imbalance in the body. The imbalance in the layers of tissues lead to stiffness, tightening and discomfort in the body. The shortening and tightening of tissues are often experienced as pain in the body.


Connective Tissue service?


Connective tissue massage can differs from traditional massage both in terms of technique and effect. It is time-consuming therapy but has a wide range of therapeutic benefits. Structural Integration helps to improve body posture, circulation and function and by doing so can solve issues centered around body pain.


The work is a method of slow and intentional contact to the body. The shortened and tightened areas of connective tissue are stretched and released with the goal of minimizing the discomfort of the body.


let us know if you think this method may be right for you. Structural Integration is concerned not only with specific body parts, but the body as a whole.