Back Pain and Rolfing Services

If you are suffering from back pain you are far from alone.  Millions of people in the world are suffering from various amounts of back pain. There are many reasons for back issues, like lifting heavyweights, improper body mechanics, sports injuries, motor vehicle incidents, congenital issues, and sometimes ,because of normal wear and tear.  Another back pain culprit I see often is related to stress.  Chronic stress kills your quality of life in several ways — for instance, it commonly causes tension in the back, shoulders and neck. These common bodily patterns of holding stress can be very difficult to break, but Rolfing has been known to effectively correct these painful forms of tension.

Rolfing can loosen the fascia, hence freeing up muscle movement and breaking bad patterns of muscle strain and misuse. This release should then enable the back to properly align itself, and when the back is properly aligned and given proper space, back pain should recede.

Rolfing has been particularly successful as a remedy for lower back pain. Up to one-third of acute low back pain cases may become chronic. Structural integration (SI) or Rolfing has been studied as an adjunct to outpatient rehabilitation for chronic, nonspecific low back pain, and outcomes suggest that adding Rolfing to outpatient rehabilitation is likely to enhance reductions ind n low back pain-related disability and to increase patient satisfaction. See Kimberly for Back Pain Rolfing Services in Vancouver Canada.

Rolfing practitioners like Kimberly work to give you back your pain free, balanced body.

Explore Back Pain Rolfing Services in Vancouver Canada